Adverse Religious Experiences Research


The Dissertation

Here is the finished work. I am forever grateful to the participants and survivors of Religious Trauma. I will tell your stories. Thank you to my faculty, who guided me as a new Grounded Theorist. The theory that emerged will continue to move throughout the world as we all heal together. The image above represents the theory of Discovering Self that emerged.

This work is published and free for all to use while citing the work appropriately. Copyrighted as noted in the dissertation.

Click here to read the research Dissertation

Out of this work, I am offering 1:1 coaching for anyone healing from adversity. While this research focused on Adverse Religious Experiences, the emerging theory is a process that helps guide anyone to heal from adversity.

I also offer 1:1 coaching on the process that I have developed for intentional planning your life and health coaching.

Please get in touch with me below to discuss collaboration, speaking, or coaching opportunities.

Be well,


Beth K Schwartz, Ph.D., RN, PHN, MAT